Strategic ManagementThe case study: “Groupon Inc.: Daily Deal or Lasting Success?” Case 11, starting on page 11-1, will include a synopsis and three findings of fact. Each finding of fact will require a justified solution, each a minimum of one page each. Support your recommended solutions with rational thought learned from the course material, other courses, and real-life experiences. Late submission will result in the paper’s grade being reduced by 10 points. The paper will be double-spaced and will not exceed 10 pages in length
Each case study paper/presentation will contain a synopsis. A synopsis is a brief overview of the case. A written case study synopsis should not exceed 2-3 paragraphs.
Resources are inputs into a firm’s production process, such as financial capital, equipment, the skills of individual employees, patents, finance, and talented managers. Each case study paper/presentation will contain the resources identified.
Capabilities is the capacity for a set of resources to integratively perform a task or and activity. Through continued use, capabilities become stronger and more difficult for competitors to understand and imitate and usually lead to a competitive advantage. Each case study paper/presentation will contain the capabilities identified.
Core Competencies
Core competencies is a resource and/or capability that service as a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals. A firm’s functional skills. What the firm does better than its competitors. Each case study paper/presentation will contain the core competencies identified.
Findings of Fact
Findings of fact are strategic issues discussed in the case studies and usually identify potential problem areas for the firm. Additionally, these strategic issues are facing the firm’s strategic managers at the end of the case’s time frame. Strategic problem statements. Each case study paper/presentation will identify three findings of fact. Usually the findings of fact are one to two sentences each in length.
Recommendations are directly tied to the findings of fact. For each finding of fact, a thorough, justified, recommendation must be provided. How are you going to rectify the strategic problems that you have identified and why. Additionally, this section should also include an implementation discussion. General statements and blanket conceptual recommendations that are not fully justified with the facts of the case, are not acceptable. The recommendations/justifications section of the paper should be one-two pages each in length.
Length and Format
The length for each written case study will not exceed ten pages. Any information in excess of the ten-page limit will not be evaluated. There is no specific format for the case studies presentations—be creative!
You must remain within the confines of the case study data. You cannot research the firms we analyze and re-import this data into your submissions. The reason for this is that a case study is a snapshot of the firm and you are analyzing the firm within this time frame; therefore, researching the firm’s current strategic position may cause you to recommend strategic actions that may not be supported by the case data.
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