Practice Final Exam Eng-092

Practice Final Exam Eng-092.
Practice Final Exam Eng-092 Part 1: In this section of the final exam, you will be asked questions about Active Reading Strategies. You will need to know the definitions of each one in order to answer the questions on the final exam. As a way of preparing, test your knowledge of each strategy by defining or describing each one in the space below. Prediction – making educated guesses; guessing about thoughts, events, outcomes, and conclusions. Predictions are confirmed or denied, and the reader makes new predictions.
Questioning/Wondering – ask questions based on material in the text. Read with an eye toward finding answers to questions. Summarizing – putting a text’s main ideas and main supporting points into one’s own words. Visualizing – words and ideas on the page trigger mental images that relate directly or indirectly to the material. Making Connections – relate existing knowledge to new information in the text Part 2: Read the following passage in the left column. In the Think-Aloud section in the right column, read the thoughts of someone who has already read this passage.
Next, in each blank, identify the reading strategy this reader activated while reading the passage, “Chicago and Cleveland. ” Chicago and Cleveland (1) Chicago, at the southern tip of Lake Michigan, is a port city. (2) It is also an important commercial (3) and industrial center of the Midwest. It is well known for its educational, cultural, and recreational centers. Chicago draws thousands to its concert halls, art museums, and sports arenas. (4) Cleveland, on the south shore of Lake Erie, is also a port city and a commercial and industrial center important to its area (5).

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Like Chicago, it has several important educational, cultural, and recreational centers. It has colleges and universities, and a distinguished (6) symphony orchestra. It has one of the finest art museums of the world, and many recreational centers. The location of the two cities contributed to their growth, but this similarity is not enough to explain the wide social diversity(7) (8). [Adapted from Smith, Breaking Through, 7th edition, p. 191] Think-Aloud (1) As I read the title, I ask myself if it’s a passage about how Chicago and Cleveland are alike. – PREDICTION 2) I can imagine ships docking at the ports. – VISUALIZING (3) Does “commercial” mean “business”? – QUESTIONING/WONDERING (4) I have been to many of the concert halls, museums, and sports arenas in Chicago. – MAKING CONNECTIONS (5) It seems like the author is going to compare Chicago and Cleveland. – PREDICTION (6) What does the word “distinguished” mean? – QUESTIONING/WONDERING (1) I’m confused by the words “social diversity. ” I reread the sentence, and realize the author is not just comparing the locations, but the social opportunities in both cities. – QUESTIONING/WONDERING (2) 3) This passage explains how these two cities have so much in common. It’s not only their locations that make them alike, it’s also their social diversity. – SUMMARIZING (4) Part 3: In this section, while reading the following passage, record the reading strategies you apply in order to construct meaning in the Think-Aloud column. Identify and explain each of the strategies you apply and indicate the number of the paragraph in which you apply each strategy. Write notes in the margin and underline parts of the text as you read, to help show your strategies. Beauty and the Beef
When was the last time you opened a carton in a fast food restaurant and found a hamburger as appetizing as the ones in the TV commercials? On television the burger is a magnificent piece of flame-broiled beef. It is topped with crisp lettuce, bright and delicious red tomatoes, tangy onions, and plump pickles. All of this is between two halves of a gigantic sesame seed bun. But of course, the real-life Whoppers can’t compare to what you see on TV. (Par. 1) When making a Burger King commercial, an advertising agency spends at least one full day filming the food.
A food stylist prepares the frozen beef patties for the camera. The filming crew first spends two hours setting up lights that will flatter the burger. The stylist begins burning “flame broiling stripes” into the hamburger patties by using a special branding iron. The stylist then paints the stripes with a dark steak sauce. Next, the stylist sprinkles salt on the burger so that when it passes over the flames, natural juices will rise to the meat’s surface. (Par. 2) Once branded, retouched, and juiced, the director films the burgers from different angles as they move along a conveyor-belt broiler.
When the meat is broiled, blood rises to the surface in small pools. The stylist dabs at the bubbling blood with a Q-tip so that is doesn’t look undesirable to TV viewers. (Par. 3) Before the patty passes over the flame a second time, the stylist maneuvers a small electric heater about an inch above the burger. This heats up the natural fatty juices until they begin to steam and sizzle. Otherwise, puddles of grease will cover the meat. (Par. 4) Think-Aloud (page one) (Par. 1) PREDICTION (Par. 2) VISUALIZING (Par. 3) QUESTIONING/WONDERING (Par. 4) MAKING CONNECTIONS
If you look at a real Whopper closely, you’ll discover that the flame-broiling stripes are only on the top side of the beef patty. Hamburgers are sent through the flame-broiler once and never flipped over. But on television commercials, the beef patty is fetchingly covered with flame-broiled stripes. (Par. 5) The camera crew has five or ten seconds to capture a good, sizzling, beef patty on film. After that, the hamburger starts to shrink quickly. Out of one day’s work, an agency hopes to get five seconds of film footage. Most of the time the patties are too raw, bloody, greasy, or small. (Par. ) In the final shot of the filming, the stylist has carefully nudged and manicured the ingredients so that they sit just right on the top of the burger. The lettuce and juicy red tomatoes are cut, trimmed, and then piled on top of a cold, cooked hamburger patty. It is then sprayed with a mist of glycerin to make it glisten. Finally, the hamburger is topped with a sesame-seed bun. The stylist positions each seed on the bun. He dips a toothpick in glue and, with a tweezers, places about 300 seeds, one by one, onto a bun. When it’s over, the crew packs up the equipment, and seventy-five hamburgers are dumped in the garbage. Par. 7) [Adapted from Smith, The Lifelong Reader, 2004, pp. 163-165] Think-Aloud (page two) (Par. 5) MAKING CONNECTIONS (Par. 6) VISUALIZING (Par. 7) SUMMARIZING Part 4: Thesis Statement and Main Idea. Reread the passage on Beauty and the Beef. This time, however, you will first identify the stated or unstated main idea of each paragraph. Second, state the thesis statement of the passage. Beauty and the Beef When was the last time you opened a carton in a fast food restaurant and found a hamburger as appetizing as the ones in the TV commercials?
On television the burger is a magnificent piece of flame-broiled beef. It is topped with crisp lettuce, bright and delicious red tomatoes, tangy onions, and plump pickles. All of this is between two halves of a gigantic sesame seed bun. But of course, the real-life Whoppers can’t compare to what you see on TV. (Par. 1) When making a Burger King commercial, an advertising agency spends at least one full day filming the food. A food stylist prepares the frozen beef patties for the camera. The filming crew first spends two hours setting up lights that will flatter the burger.
The stylist begins burning “flame broiling stripes” into the hamburger patties by using a special branding iron. The stylist then paints the stripes with a dark steak sauce. Next, the stylist sprinkles salt on the burger so that when it passes over the flames, natural juices will rise to the meat’s surface. (Par. 2) Once branded, retouched, and juiced, the director films the patties from different angles as they move along a conveyor-belt broiler. When the meat is broiled, blood rises to the surface in small pools. The stylist dabs at the bubbling blood with a Q-tip so that is doesn’t look undesirable. Par. 3) Before the patty passes over the flame a second time, the stylist maneuvers a small electric heater about an inch above the burger. This heats up the natural fatty juices until they begin to steam and sizzle. Otherwise, puddles of grease will cover the meat. (Par. 4) If you look at a real Whopper closely, you’ll discover that the flame-broiling stripes are only on the top side of the beef patty. Hamburgers are sent through the flame-broiler once and never flipped over. But on television commercials, the beef patty is fetchingly covered with flame-broiled stripes. Par. 5) The camera crew has five or ten seconds to capture a good, sizzling, beef patty on film. After that, the hamburger starts to shrink quickly. Out of one day’s work, an agency hopes to get five seconds of film footage. Most of the time the patties are too raw, bloody, greasy, or small. (Par. 6) In the final shot of the filming, the stylist has carefully nudged and manicured the ingredients so that they sit just right on the top of the burger. The lettuce and juicy red tomatoes are cut, trimmed, and then piled on top of a cold, cooked hamburger patty.
It is then sprayed with a mist of glycerin to make it glisten. Finally, the hamburger is topped with a sesame-seed bun. The stylist positions each seed on the bun. He dips a toothpick in glue and, with a tweezers, places about 300 seeds, one by one, onto a bun. When it’s over, the crew packs up the equipment, and about seventy-five hamburgers are dumped in the garbage. (Par. 7) [Adapted from Smith, The Lifelong Reader, 2004, pp. 163-165] A. Identify the main idea of each paragraph. (Par. 1) There is a difference between what we see in TV commercials and reality when it comes to fast food. Par. 2) “When making a Burger King commercial, an advertising agency spends at least one full day filming the food. ” (Par. 3) Great effort is made during filming to remove anything that the TV viewer would find unappetizing. (Par. 4) Great effort is made during filming to ensure that the food’s worst characteristic—fat—is removed from the commercial. (Par. 5) The biggest difference between TV and reality is that the real burgers have grill marks on only one side because real burgers are never flipped, while the commercial shows the burger being flipped over an open flame. Par. 6) The agency hopes to get five seconds of footage, but most of the time, the burgers show their true nature: they’re too raw, bloody, greasy, or small. (Par. 7) While huge efforts are made to make the burger look as delicious as possible, at the end of the day, a massive amount of food waste is the main result of making a TV commercial. B. State the thesis of this passage. TV commercials for fast food use hours of studio time, specialized techniques, and nearly one hundred real burgers to create an unrealistically ppetizing image of a fatty, greasy product: it’s all about appearances, while reality is ugly and filming is wasteful. Part 5: Answer the following comprehension and vocabulary questions by circling a, b, c, or d. 1. The author explains that most of the work on the burgers being filmed in the commercials is done by a a. professionally trained food stylist. b. chef. c. make-up artist. d. special-effects person. 2. The author explains that, while salting the patties encourages natural juices to rise to the meat’s surface, it also a. makes the burgers inedible. b. darkens the meat. c. auses blood to rise to the surface in small pools. d. dries out the meat. 3. The author’s point of view seems to be that a. advertising is an exciting field, requiring the work of many specialists and experts. b. the making of a fast-food commercial is expensive, wasteful, and not particularly honest. c. Burger King’s ads are works of genius. d. people should not eat hamburgers, no matter how good they look on TV. 4. The author explains that the hamburger in the final shot looks so perfect for all of the following reasons except a. the ingredients are put onto the front part of the burger. . the food stylist has carefully glued each sesame seed on the bun. c. burger is sprayed with glycerine. d. the burger is actually made with 50% more beef. 5. Hundreds of beef patties are wasted during the filming of a commercial. a. True b. False c. Can’t tell from the information given in the passage. 6. “and found a hamburger as appetizing” (Par. 1) In this sentence, appetizing means a. tempting b. nutritious c. large d. shiny 7. “Thus branded, retouched, and juiced” (Par. 3) In this sentence, retouched means a. dabbed b. made-up or improved c. cooked d. andled 8. “the food stylist maneuvers a small electric heater” (Par. 4) In this sentence, maneuvers means a. encounters b. designs c. purchases d. moves into place 9. “fetchingly covered with flame-broiled strips” (Par. 5) In this sentence, fetchingly means a. completely b. attractively c. visibly d. carefully 10. “carefully nudged and manicured the ingredients” (Par. 7) In this sentence, manicured means a. handled b. repaired c. painted with polish d. carefully trimmed Part 6: Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling a, b, or c. 1. “Who’s” is a. ossessive case of root word, showing that third person owns or possesses something b. contraction of root word and “is” c. possessive pronoun, meaning that second person owns or possesses something 2. “Wear” is a. past tense of “are” b. in what place? c. to have on one’s body 3. “Their” is a. contraction of root word and “are” b. possessive pronoun, meaning that a third person owns or possesses something c. location 4. “Cite” is a. sense of vision b. a place or location c. to credit a source 5. “Since” is a. because b. money or change c. to feel, hear, taste, see, or smell something
Part 7: Write a thesis statement, including your main supporting points, for the following topics: (Answer Key Note: Student should write an argumentative thesis statement that, crucially, includes several supporting points explaining his/her stance. ) 1. The United States should/should not place a “fat tax” on foods that have a low nutrition-to-calorie ratio. The United States should place a “fat tax” on foods that have a low nutrition-to-calorie ratio because people who eat those foods often are at a greater risk for terminal diseases, so paying more for the food might help them to make better choices for their health. 2.
Physician-assisted suicide should/should not be an option for terminally ill people. Physician-assisted suicide should be an option for terminally ill people because our prohibition on end-of-life choice is based on religious superstition and denies free, conscious adults a basic right to dictate how they live their lives until the end of life. 3. Every country in the world should/should not enforce a two-child limit on parents. Every country in the world should enforce a two-child limit on parents because the human population is growing out of control and humans are destroying the environment for all other creatures—and ourselves.
Part 8: Read the following sentences and decide how you can order them in order to create a strong organization for a paragraph. 1. To illustrate, a French male is likely to stand closer to you than a British male, even if they had equally positive attitudes toward you. 2. A set of useful guidelines has been developed for estimating how close to stand to another person (at least in many cultures). 3. Cultural differences must be kept in mind in interpreting nonverbal cues. Answere: 3, 2, 1

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