Your goal for this part of your marketing plan is to determine if your product or service is focused on being in a consumer or a business market, and then which type within that category you will choose to be to drive sales. Keep in mind that many businesses and consumers cross market category types and lines, but for the purpose of this course and your final project, focus on one category (consumer or business) and one type within that category. This will help you to narrow your efforts to one channel and apply what you’ve learned more easily. Incorporate what you’ve learned from the readings and discussion.
For this part of your marketing plan, use what you learned in the module and the discussion to do some critical thinking– go past the surface and delve deeper into the problem. For the product or service that you are working with, investigate its website to determine what particular market type it is focused on, as well as how and why it is focused on that type of market.
Respond to the following prompts.
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