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Assignment 3 Part 1: Operation, Technology, and Management Plan

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Due Week 8 and worth 70 points

Use the “NAB Company Portfolio”.

Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you provide the following information below.

Operations Plan (1 – 2 pages)

Note: Remember to assign a dollar amount to each operational cost you find, as you will need these figures for your income statement and cash flow in Week 8.

  1. Create an operations plan for your NAB company using the template in the text as a guide (p. 214 | Operations Plan Preparation Form – Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook). Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company portfolio, where applicable. Other required items in the template should be filled in using your personal preferences.
  2. Provide a rationale for the competitive advantages section using appropriate functional-level and business-level strategies to explain the competitive advantages.
    • Note: Much of the research pertaining to the hints provided here can be found in the NAB company portfolio.
    • Hints: Consider whether you will rent or buy your facilities or outsource production to an existing company.
    • Hints: One of your biggest expenses as a startup non-alcoholic beverage company will be transitioning from a small batch prototype of your beverage to production on a large scale. Research the equipment you will need (vats, refrigerators, burners, ovens, bottling equipment, and so on), whether you will rent or buy, how you will maintain and clean it, and so forth. Consider how you will ensure quality control. What capacity do you intend to reach?
    • Hints: Deliberate your inventory control. Where do your supplies come from and what is your turnaround time to produce your beverage once you have received an order?
    • Hints: Consider your distribution method. Refer back to your notes for the SWOT analysis assignment in Week 2 of class.
    • Hints: How will you stay abreast of new developments in your industry? What new products do you have in development now, in addition to your flagship product?
  3. Describe your research and development activities and explain how they will contribute to the company.

Technology Plan (1 – 2 pages)

  1. Create a technology plan for your NAB company using the template in the text as a guide (p. 227 | Technology Plan Preparation Form ). Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company portfolio, where applicable. Other required items in the template should be filled in using your personal preferences.
  2. Provide a rationale for the personnel needs section by incorporating appropriate functional-level strategies.
    • Hints: Consider the type of technology your company will use to conduct the following activities: manage personnel; take, fulfill, and track orders; manage inventory; communicate with customers and provide customer service; and produce your beverage.

Management & Organization (1 – 2 pages)

  1. Create a management plan for your NAB company using the template in the text as a guide (p. 248 | Management Plan Preparation Form ). Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company portfolio, where applicable. Other required items in the template should be filled in using your personal preferences.
  2. Using the flow charts on p. 242 as a guide, outline your company’s management hierarchy. Note: Charts or diagrams must be imported / included in the MS Word document.
  3. Provide a rationale for the management structure and style section by incorporating appropriate functional-level strategies.
  4. Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:
    1. Cite the resources you have used to complete this exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.
    2. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    3. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Create a plan to implement a firm’s strategy and manage the change from current operations.
  • Describe strategic planning techniques used to formulate alternative strategies designed to achieve stated business goals.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about strategic management using proper writing mechanics.
  • The first paper is what the assignment needs to piggy-back from.The 2nd & 3rd papers need to be revised with the the company name JepsiCo inserted in the paper. The 2nd & 3rd papers can be combined to make 1 paper.

    Description of JepsiCo Beverage Company

    JepsiCo is a multinational company that is known for its beverage that is known as Pepsi. The company has diversified their business portfolio into snacks and food. The headquarters of the company is in New Jersey. The company Manufactures, markets and distributes beverage in addition to snacks and foods amongst other foods. The company has been in existence since 2016. Over the years, the company has expanded their business portfolio into the world and acquiring some companies like Frito-Lay. Currently, JepsiCo is considered the second largest beverage company in terms beverage with their brand Pepsi goes a close second. In 1998, the company acquired Tropicana Products and Quaker Oats Company in 2001. Currently, the company has added Gatorade to their brand to the product portfolio. 

    Mission Statement

                “Our mission is to be the world’s premier consumer Products Company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness, and integrity.”

                The mission statement of the company has helped them to streamline their desires to be the best company in the world based on their consumer products that are convenient foods and beverages (Bradley, 2003).  Therefore, the mission statement helps the company to manufacture, distributes and sells quality drinks based on the preferences of the company as well as compliances with the safety standards of their products.  The mission standard also aligns their business profiles’ activities and partners (Bradley, 2003).

                                             Trends in Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry

    In the non-alcoholic beverage industry is filled with the huge demand for energy drinks. The booster energy drinks is a renewed in the non-alcoholic beverage industry since it is believed to energize and re-energized people (Arachchillage & Dharmasena, 2011). The energy drinks are a trend for various reasons. Energy drinks are fundamentally important in the age where sports is very much commercialized. There are three reasons why energy drinks are trending right now (Arachchillage & Dharmasena, 2011). The first reasons energy drinks are trending is because of huge demand. Energy drinks have huge demand especially from sportsmen and women who needs to recharge and re-energize quickly before the next game.

                The second reasons energy drinks are trending is because of the increased number sports are now played. There are a various number of sports that requires a lot of energy. Sports like soccer, American Football, Hockey, Rugby as well as basketball that has a huge number of players that need energy drinks (Arachchillage & Dharmasena, 2011). The final reasons energy drinks are trending is because there are a huge number of physical activities done by people. Furthermore, people are now taking fitness seriously and therefore; energy drinks are needed.

    Strategic Position of JepsiCo Beverage Company

    The strategic position of the company would be based on the application and usage of their products (Hooley, Piercy, Nicoulaud, & Rudd, 2017). The company aims to incorporate energy drinks into their products portfolio.  Therefore, the company would position themselves into the company using energy drinks. The strategic would be implemented through intensive distribution, penetrative pricing as well as aggressive marketing and promotion.  These approaches would help the company to gain market share as well as maximize profits and revenues (Arachchillage & Dharmasena, 2011). It is worth noting that the energy drinks would be the lead products in the product portfolio to maximize sales. Furthermore, it is important to highlight the strategic position of application would be implemented systematics and assist the company to develop new markets.

    Distribution Channels

                The company would use intensive distribution strategy and hence, the distribution channels would include various business (Dent, 2011). The distribution channels would be intermediaries that ensure that products reach the company. Since the business understands a distribution with a lot of intermediaries would not allow the business to use intensive distribution channels (Dent, 2011). Therefore, the company would have their truckers and distribution center that would include distribution products to the consumers, supermarket, convenient stores and Grocery stores. Even though this strategy is very expensive; it would enable the company to reach many customers (Dent, 2011). Hence, it would have a large market share that in turn enable the company to apply economies of scale.

    Types of Risks

                The company would face with different types of risks. As Beverage Company, the company would face with many regulatory risks such as compliance with safety standards as well as hygiene of the workplace place. The second risks would be stiff competition from the competition (fujii, 2013). The non-alcoholic industry is crowded with a lot of companies that would offer stiff competition as they would have to share the market. The final risks that the company healthy lifestyles. Currently, imagery drinks are trending; one’s other healthy drinks pop-ups, energy drinks would not be in demand anymore (fujii, 2013). 

    SWOT Matrix for JepsiCo Beverage Company



    1.      Strong brand image in the market

    2.      Affordable and competitive prices

    3.      Intensive Distribution network

    4.      Competitive edge over competition

    1.      Low penetration outside domestic market

    2.      Limited business portfolio of beverage drinks on

    3.      Weak marketing to health-conscious consumers



    1.      Business diversification

    2.      Market penetration in developing countries

    3.      Global alliances with complementary businesses

    1.      Aggressive competition

    2.      Healthy lifestyles trend

    3.      Environmentalism



    Arachchillage, K., & Dharmasena, S. (2011). The Non-alcoholic Beverage Market in the United States: Demand Interrelationships, Dynamics, Nutrition Issues and Probability Forecast Evaluation. Texas A & M University.

    Bradley, F. (2003). Strategic Marketing: In the Customer Driven Organization. Wiley.

    Dent, J. (2011). Distribution Channels: Understanding and Managing Channels to Market. Kogan Page Publishers.

    fujii, t. (2013). Global Competitive Advantage Skill of Balanced Scorecard By SWOT Analysis and Strategic Map: BSC Project Management Essentials by Many Case Study of SWOT Analysis and Strategic Map. Tom Publishing .

    Hooley, G., Piercy, N., Nicoulaud, B., & Rudd, J. (2017). Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning. Pearson Education Limited.

    THIS IS THE WORK SHEET that goes with the assignment I don’t think it is needed.

    Period ending 31-Dec-1431-Dec-1331-Dec-12 Assets     Current assets    cash and cash equivalent8,958,00010,414,0008,442,000 short term investment12,717,0009,854,0008,109,000 Net recieveables4,446,0004,873,0004,751,000 Inventory3,100,0003,277,0003,264,000 Other current assets3,745,0002,866,0005,754,000 Total current assets32,986,00031,304,00030,228,000 long term investments13,625,00011,512,00010,448,000 propery plan and equipment14,623,00014,967,00014,476,000 goodwill12,100,00012,312,00012,235,000 intangible assets14,272,00015,299,00015,082,000 accumlated amortization_   other assets4,407,0004,661,0003,585,000 deferred long term assets     Total assets92,023,00090,055,00086,174,000 liabilities    current liablities    Accounts payable9,634,0009,886,0009,151,000 short long term debt22,682,00017,925,00017,874,000 other current liablities58,000 796,000 total current liablities32,374,00027,811,00027,821,000 long term debt19,063,00019,154,00014,736,000 other liablities4,389,0003,418,0005,468,000 long term liabilities charges5,636,0006,152,0004,981,000 minority interest241,000267,000378,000 negative goodwill    Total liablities61,703,00056,882,00053,384,000 Stockholders’ equity    stock options warrnts    redeemable preferred stock    preferred stock    common stock1,760,0001,760,0001,760,000 retained earnings63,408,00061,660,00058,045,000 treasury stock42,225,00039,091,00035,009,000 capital surplus13,154,00012,276,00011,379,000 other stockholder equity5,777,0003,432,0003,385,000 Total stockholder equity30,320,00033,173,00032,790,000 Net tangible assets3,948,0005,562,0005,453,000           In Millions of USD (except for per share items)12 months ending 2016-12-3112 months ending 2015-12-3112 months ending 2014-12-3112 months ending 2013-12-31Revenue41,863.0044,294.0045,998.0046,854.00Other Revenue, Total—-Total Revenue41,863.0044,294.0045,998.0046,854.00Cost of Revenue, Total16,465.0017,482.0017,889.0018,421.00Gross Profit25,398.0026,812.0028,109.0028,433.00Selling/General/Admin. Expenses, Total15,240.0016,451.0017,273.0017,248.00Research & Development—-Depreciation/Amortization—-Interest Expense(Income) – Net Operating—-Unusual Expense (Income)1,365.001,401.00877377Other Operating Expenses, Total14525633818Total Operating Expense33,237.0035,566.0036,322.0036,126.00Operating Income8,626.008,728.009,676.0010,728.00Interest Income(Expense), Net Non-Operating—-Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets-1,403.00-799-Other, Net-1,047.00-9226-132Income Before Tax8,136.009,605.009,325.0011,477.00Income After Tax6,550.007,366.007,124.008,626.00Minority Interest-23-15-26-42Equity In Affiliates—-Net Income Before Extra. Items6,527.007,351.007,098.008,584.00Accounting Change—-Discontinued Operations—-Extraordinary Item—-Net Income6,527.007,351.007,098.008,584.00Preferred Dividends—-Income Available to Common Excl. Extra Items6,527.007,351.007,098.008,584.00Income Available to Common Incl. Extra Items6,527.007,351.007,098.008,584.00Basic Weighted Average Shares—-Basic EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items—-Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items—-Dilution Adjustment—-Diluted Weighted Average Shares4,367.004,405.004,450.004,509.00Diluted EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items1.491.671.61.9Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items—-Dividends per Share – Common Stock Primary Issue1.381.291.21.09Gross Dividends – Common Stock—-Net Income after Stock Based Comp. Expense—-Basic EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense—-Diluted EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense—-Depreciation, Supplemental—-Total Special Items—-Normalized Income Before Taxes—-Effect of Special Items on Income Taxes—-Income Taxes Ex. Impact of Special Items—-Normalized Income After Taxes—-Normalized Income Avail to Common—-Basic Normalized EPS—-Diluted Normalized EPS1.751.671.881.97Google Finance Beta available in: Hong Kong – Canada – U.S. – China – U.K.    

    Operation Plan

    Student Name



    An operation plan is a short-term but highly detailed plan drafted by the management to achieve specific tactical objectives and goals of an organization. The plan normally aims at ensuring that the set objectives are met without any compromise so that the firm’s revenues and profits are highly increased to attract more investors. The plan is always made in accordance to the nature of production involved and the market structure. The main aspects that determine market structures for the She Energy Inc are: the number of or chain of intermediaries in the market, both sellers and buyers; their relative negotiation powers, in relation to prices settings.

    She Energy Inc is the only company which produces quality energy drinks which is a great strength with reliable circulating system. Therefore to formulate a good strategic plan, the company should increase the accessibility of its operations in some areas like china and India as well as coming with strategies of indulging in other flavors so as to expand.

    She Energy Inc is planning to develop and expand their business from small scale product ion to large scale production, is thus important for the firm to follow a good operation plan that will cover from the nature of the manufacturers, the quantity of the product that they produce to the sellers and customers in the market. In order for this dream to become a reality, the company should first inform the manufacturers of their plans and inform them to take necessary actions by increasing their production. This should be followed by doing market research for the demand of the excess production that the company intends to do. Finally, the company should develop some competitive advantages over the competitors in the market so as to enjoy good business relations with the customers (Strand, 2014)

    Strategic planning techniques used by She Energy Inc formulate alternative strategies

    Identifying the SWOT analysis

    In order to make a well developed and successful strategic planning, the management of She Energy Inc is suppose to go deep into SWOT analysis and identify both the strengths and weaknesses of the business then take control measures to avert this. The company produces a unique energy drink and should thus make the productions even better as they make corrective measures in accessibility of market in India and China (Kajanus et al., 2012) this can include coming up with proactive plans to help address the threats and good managerial strategies to convert the weaknesses into potential advantages.

    Using PEST analysis

    This is another tool that resembles the SWOT analysis but deals majorly with the external environment of the business. The business must ensure that it identifies the political, economic, social and technological factors for the change to be effective. This should be followed by creation of a business strategy or strategies that will take advantage of the trends and changes, while ensuring minimization of risks to the company from those trends and changes.

    Using the PESTLE method

    This is a method best combined with the SWOT model to strategies for the future plan of a business. In includes the political, economic, social and technological, legal and environmental issues. The method is outward and thus caters for both the internal and external environments of the business.

    Using scenario planning

    The management can also use a planning tool that involves planning on the scenes of events. The planning involves looking into the future and anticipating possible events, scenarios as well as changes, and analyzing whatever is likely to happen to the company as a result of the things happening and, planning to minimize the damages, and maximize opportunities.

    Issues in strategic management

    During strategic management, the problems of successful implementation centers around how effectively or badly the existing organization responds to issues pertaining changes and how adequate it is reporting proves to be to be taken (Cheng et al., 2016) Therefore, there are four main issues during strategic management. These issues include;

    The problem of configuring business units

    Management strategies are supposed be developed around the business units of the firm.  These units mostly do not correspond to some parts of the organization’s structure. Thus business units have an external marketplace for goods and service hence the management can plan and execute strategies independent of other pieces of the company including the company’s culture.

    Traditional management reports

    The traditional management reports are always not sensitive to monitor the implementation strategies hence, the making the strategic manager not to be fully aware of what is happening leading to poor performance of existing structure since it is not monitored properly, this makes the control mechanisms to be ineffective.

    Rigidity in accepting change

    Implementing strategy involves change, an aspect which in turn involves uncertainty and risks. The change gets very rigid opposition thus motivating managers to make changes is a key determinant in strategic planning.

    Upgrading communication systems

    For an effective strategic planning, the managers should ensure that they upgrade their communication systems and change some dynamics which are not accepted by the employees.

    Technological plan

    Most business uses some form of Information Technology in handling business operations. Business professionals for instance use IT to process orders, maintain financial records and make communication with customers, suppliers and clients.  Forecasting which hardware and software ones business needs to remain competitive requires planning and organization. An organization thus needs to generate a plan to maintain their business environment, as well as to train their staff and supporting all employees who use the technology in their daily tasks(Reyna, 2015) For the She energy company to expand, it thus needs the business technological plan shown below;

    Step 1

    The company needs must be known and then a good web design done. This is done so as to make it easy to communicate with clients as well as ensuring online sharing platform where buyers can freely post their needs and dissatisfactions.

    Step 2

    She Energy Company then decides to choose technology that can grow and change with the company and which supports the strategic objectives. This is done by using templates, tools and resources provided by websites to help it decide how much it can spend on technology investments.

    Step 3

    Evaluation of software and hardware products according to the company’s needs is then conducted. It involves catering for all parties linked with the industry typically provide lists of vendors who are useful in providing industry-specific technology. The company then attends trade shows to see live demonstrations and speak with trained sales people.

    Step 4

    The company is thus required to develop a disaster plan to counter with emergencies. If the company depends on their technology to run their business every day of the week, it may need to establish a backup site so that it can run operation in another location in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. This then give a good outline plan for the expansion of the She Energy Inc.

    Management plan

    The management plan includes the good managerial strategies that the manager put into action to ensure the expansion of the company (de Bona et al., 2015)

    Employing qualified staff

    For the company to expand, they need to employ qualified managers who can improve the quality of the production so as to widen the customer base.

    Instilling teamwork

    The staff teamwork is one of the strategies that She Company should employ so that it can expand. This ensures that production is done at the right time with the right technology required and desired by the customers.


    .Cheng, M. N., Wong, J. W., Cheung, C. F., & Leung, K. H. (2016). A scenario-based roadmapping method for strategic planning and forecasting: A case study in a testing, inspection and certification company. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

    de Bona, D. A. O., da Silva, D. A. S., Pinheiro, L. L., da Silva, E. F., Chichorro, J. F., & Basso, M. (2015). Income/cost of forestry exploration activity in a sustainable forest management plan in Amazonia-case study. Nativa: Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais, 3(1), 50-55.

    Kajanus, M., Leskinen, P., Kurttila, M., & Kangas, J. (2012). Making use of MCDS methods in SWOT analysis—Lessons learnt in strategic natural resources management. Forest Policy and Economics, 20, 1-9.

    Reyna, D. (2015). Improved Technology for Unattended Remote Reactor Monitoring Under the NPT (No. SAND2015-2851PE). Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States).

    Strand, R. (2014). Strategic leadership of corporate sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(4), 687-706.

    This is the second choice or you can mix them.

    Operational Plan

    Operational plan


    It is the role of the management to ensure that plans are established so that the organizations are operated in an effective and efficient manner. Failure to plan implies that one will fail while the project is halfway. It is the role of each and every one in the organization to ensure that they work in teamwork so that goals of the organization can be attained. The paper seeks to create an operational plan of a non -alcoholic beverage company.


    The first stage that is considered when creating an operation plan is strategies of the company. In this case the company is concerned with a non-alcoholic beverage company and thus the strategies that have to used have to put in place for realization of the goals. The strategy starts with conducting visit to one of the non-alcoholic beverage company so that the management can be aware of the resources needed so that the non –alcoholic beverage company can be initiated. The major events have to be advertised so that the goals can be attained. When the information is taken it should be printed or involve broadcast media so that it can be used in the future.  Master competition program have to be initiated for example, the SWOT analysis so that the competitors can be known and how the non-alcoholic beverage can compete in the open market economy. The strength of the company has to be noted so that they can take advantage of the strength for instance; the company being funded by the donors is a strength that can boost the company.  One of the weaknesses is that the company is a new entrant in the market and thus likely to face challenges (French, 2009). Opportunity and threat should be known so that the company can be successful in the open market economy. Social events should be conducted so that the members can be aware of the progress. Effective and regular communication is needed so that the goals of the company are attained. For effective communication newsletter should be used so that the members are aware of the routines.  


    Deadlines have to be attained as projected in the planning phase. This implies that visits that are conducted to an operating non-alcoholic beverage company should be set in monthly basis though all the stakeholders should not be included in the visit. Advertise should be conducted which approximately use $100 in a moth before the non-alcoholic beverage company is operational. The program should commence on March and should be finalized in September and events should be conducted in every two months after the non-alcoholic beverage company is operational.  

    Personal responsibilities

    Since the non-alcoholic beverage is operational then there is need to come up with different departments so that the company will progress without challenges. For example, promotion coordinator is needed because advertisement events need to be carried in every two months which will use almost $30,000.  The event coordinator and promotion coordinator should work together so that the goals of the company can be attained. Additionally, being a new entrant company there is need to conduct such events which plays an important role in making the customers aware of the company.  


    The management has to come up with budget that is going to be used in yearly basis. For example, this is a new entrant non-alcoholic beverage company that does not have many employees and thus the budget should be $20,000. The adverts budget should be approximately $1500 yearly. To motivate the employees it is important to come up with motivational strategies to those employees who have shown improvements or those who have attained the goals. For example, trophies can be bought which are worthy $1,000.

    Other resources

    The management of the non-alcoholic beverage company should be aware where the resources can come from before the company is on its peak. It is the role of the board of the directors to fund the company and thereafter profit can be attained if the management will use the resources in transparent and accountable manner. Failure to account for the resource implies that the non-alcoholic company cannot achieve the goals as stipulated in the company mission and vision. Machines and other assets which can be sold for repayment of short-term loans should be available.   Equipments like refrigerators, burner’s ovens and bottling equipments should be bought in advance so that the company will not have shortage of such equipments.

    Technology plan

    A technology plan plays a key role in ensuring that it explains were they are at the moment and where they want to be in future. The plan is normally created in a scope of 3 years and they are supposed to be updated frequently. The type of technology that is supposed to be used is digital technology. The digital technology is concerned with managing the personnel in digital way. Additionally, the digital technology helps in tracking orders since it is going to involve management of the inventory and thus it implies that the orders will be noted when they are being shipped and buying of new raw materials that are needed (Woodford, 2006). It is the role of the managers to ascertain that inventory control is used so that the management can be aware when the stock is running out and when the raw materials are needed.

    Communication is done through the use of digital means like the online communication or online chats to the customers and employees. Booking of non-alcoholic beverages can be done online and thus it is possible to make to attain the goals. The customer’s services should be of high quality since when they are not given the services that they deserve. Customer need is paramount which should be encouraged by all the top management so that the customers need is attained. Digital technology should be used so that creativity and innovation is attained. Team work is the best to be used when applying digital technology since all the stakeholders can share the ideas together and thus improve the beverage choice.


    Woodford, C. (2006). Digital technology. New York: Chelsea House.   

    French, S. (2009). Operation Redwood. New York: Amulet Books.                

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    You can be sure that your custom writing order will be accomplished by one of our 400+ professional academic writers. They all pass a series of tests to prove their writing prowess and hold the reputation of being the most professional in the industry. Want to make sure writer’s skills match your needs? Get more details on how to choose the appropriate author.
  • How can I be sure your writing service is not a scam?

    We understand that a shade of mistrust has covered the paper writing industry, and we want to convince you of our loyalty. Apart from high-quality writing services, we offer:
    • The chances of students to boost writing skills in a quick and effective way.
    • The opportunity to manage studies and free time in an enjoyable manner.
    • The possibilities to improve overall academic performance.
    Our custom writing company has been working for more than 12 years and always puts quality and clients’ needs first. Our operations are legally documented, we are easily accessible online and offline,
  • Is it legal to use your professional writing service?

    Yes. Custom writing help is not prohibited by any university or college. It’s a 100% legal way of getting professional assistance with paper writing. Hiring writers from an essay writing company is in many ways similar to consulting a tutor – we help you solve the writing issues at hand.
  • How does your service work?

    Our custom writing service is a reliable solution on your academic journey that will always help you if your deadline is too tight. You fill in the order form with your basic requirements for a paper: your academic level, paper type and format, the number of pages and sources, discipline, and deadline. Then, you describe the specific details of the paper you need: add the topic, write or paste the instructions, and attach files to be used, if you have them. After that, an online customer support representative chooses the best writer that specializes in your discipline and assigns him or her to complete the paper according to your requirements. When the paper is ready, we check it for plagiarism and send it to you. If you want to change something, you can request a free revision.
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