Body Paragraph Workshop
Prepare: First, read the information on the Ashford Writing Center’s web page, Thesis Statements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Then, read the ENG125 Sample Literary Analysis. Pay close attention to the body paragraphs and thesis statements.
Reflect: Compare your working thesis statement to the thesis statement in the Sample Literary Analysis. Does your thesis address relevant points like the example thesis? Then, look at a body paragraph in the sample Literary Analysis. Compare its construction to a body paragraph in your own paper.
Write: Post your working thesis and your strongest body paragraph into the discussion by Thursday (Day 3) at midnight; do not attach it as a separate document. For the purposes of this discussion only, signify your working thesis by including it in bold type and italicize the topic sentence of your body paragraph. Your body paragraph should include at least three examples of paraphrases and/or quotations (there should be at least one of each) with correct citations in APA format. After the body paragraph, be sure to include reference page citations for the paraphrased and cited sources. Then, answer the following three questions:
MAKE sure to refer to the TEXT and resources provided. I have attached my proposal and annotated bibliography to use.
Text: Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey into literature (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
If you have any questions in regards to this DQ please feel free to contact me. Thank you.
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