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Spring 2 2017
Read this description of Paul’s previous job. Then write an analysis based on the instructions at the end.
Please submit your case analysis 2 here.
Length: 950-1200 words
Please write your case analysis with Microsoft Word. Note that all papers in this course require APA format. This PowerPoint file on APA gives a brief overview.
For additional information: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. And this YouTube video: http:// (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
A minimum of three (3) credible references is required. Use the Webster Library databases instead of random unknown website which are often not credible for research.
Paul, the HR Director at Bumpbie, had previously worked as Director of HR for Kelecton, a small company with 240 employees that makes software for utility companies. The majority of employees were programmers and engineers who designed and installed proprietary software for regulating and tracking electricity and gas. Since the company had been experiencing a 15-20% rate of growth, recruiting experienced employees was a continuing challenge due to the specialized skill sets required. Paul left the company when he found out from a friend about the opportunity at Bumpbie. Just before he left, he conducted an employee survey which revealed the following:
Paul informally shared the survey results with the CEO, CFO, and VP of Operations. They indicated concern for many items, but also pointed out that finances were stretched to the limit in order to fund their continuing growth. They asked Paul to draw up a conceptual plan that would address the majority of the employees’ concerns “without breaking the bank.” The next step was to meet and discuss the conceptual plan and give Paul direction as to next steps and priorities.
Develop a draft, 950-1200 words, of the plan Paul would have done if he had stayed. The plan is a means to identify, on a general level, the options for management to consider and for Paul to pursue further. Assume there is not sufficient time to assemble specific costs for the various options, but take into consideration what you have learned from the text about general costs and savings. The plan should include:
– Changes to be made to current systems, processes, policies, and activities based on survey results, with your rationale for these changes
– Prioritize the changes in order of least to most expensive
– It is acceptable to make assumptions and/or add details that have not been provided
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