Weekly Written Assignment
Organizational Intervention Outline and Plan
This assignment is part of your Organizational Change Intervention Project, due in Week 6. For this week, assess the information that you have gathered from the interview with the organization leader and from your observations of the organization. Describe a problem that requires change intervention. Consider whether the intervention is process- or task-oriented. Create an outline and a plan to affect the necessary change. The following must be included in your submission.
Use the materials that you compiled for your bibliography and the information gathered from your interviews and observations of the organization. The change intervention may attempt to affect change and improve areas such as human resources, marketing, finance, the organizational structure, or its decision-making processes of the company. Write a minimum of 700 words between your outline and plan. Use scholarly research and in-text citations and references to support the statements in your plan.
Point Value: 10 Points
Weekly Journal
Quantitative Measures
In today’s business climate, quantification often becomes the benchmark for organizational process improvements and measurements of success. However, as the article “Six sigma: What went wrong?” in your readings states, increased efficiency levels often lack sustainability. Reflect on how incorporating quantitative measures of quality performance could improve the long-term benefits of strategic initiatives. How might it be useful or detrimental to a company? Consider how this might be incorporated into your Final Project. Write approximately 250 words.
Point Value: 3 Points
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