Locate the following article in the ProQuest Criminal Justice database in the CSU online library. Mulmat, D. H., & Burke, C. (2013). Addressing offender reentry: Lessons learned from Senate Bill 618 San Diego prisoner reentry program. Corrections Today, 75(4), 24-27. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.libraryresources.columbiasout hern.edu/docview/1437302146?accountid=33337 In order for the link above to function properly, you must first access the ProQuest Criminal Justice database within the CSU Online Library. You may also access the resource by visiting the ProQuest Criminal Justice database and performing a search for the title and/or author. Address the following directions and prompts in your analysis of the article: 1. Summarize the reasons why Senate Bill 618 was implemented in California, the program’s design, and why it was different from traditional prison programming. 2. How successful or unsuccessful was this program in reducing recidivism and helping offenders? Why was it successful or unsuccessful? 3. In what ways could this program have been modified to improve outcomes? What could have been added or improved upon in this program? Paper content must be at least three full pages in length, excluding the title page and references page. Papers must be in APA style with a correctly formatted title page and separate references page. Please refer to the CSU Citation Guide for help with APA format.
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