Choose a union with no less than 100,000 members. To assist you, here is an expansive list of options from which to choose.
1. Report on the union profile. How many members does the union have? How is the union’s organizational structure designed? In what industry(ies) does the union operate? How long has the union been in existence? Etc. (approximately 300 words for this section).
2. Report on a minimum of three (4) legal disputes in which the union has been involved in the last 10-15 years (approximately 250 words for each dispute). For each dispute, discuss:
a. Who were the parties?
b. What was the nature of the dispute (i.e. what was the conflict)?
c. Were any adverse actions taken by either the union (strikes, etc.) or the employer (ULPs, etc.)?
d. How was the dispute resolved (i.e. mediation, arbitration, litigation, etc.)?
e. What was the final outcome?
Submission Instructions:
This assignment should at a minimum contain 1,300 words of content (double spaced) and should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW SCHOLARLY references, Report must include an INTRODUCTION & CONCLUSION. References must be verifiable and suitable for acadmic purposes. ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM, NOT EVEN 5%. FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS EQUALS DISPUTE!
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