Deliverable Length: 1-2 Pages
Choice 1:
Juan and Maria Sanchez are looking to purchase a new home in Nicetown. Juan and Maria found their dream house and made an offer. Their offer was rejected by the owners of the house who decided they did not want to sell their house to a Hispanic family.
In a 1-2 page paper, address the following:
See the US Department of Housing and Development website,, to help with your research.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Choice 2:
When anthropologists first studied people hundreds of years ago they noted that all people they studied were ethnocentric.Ethnocentrism is still major social problem we face in the United States as well as the world over.
In a 1-2 page paper, address the following:
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
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