Please answer the following questions
1. Find the value of x2 for 12 degrees of freedom and an area of .025 in the right tail of the chi-
square distribution curve. What is the value of chi-square? Round to three decimal places
2. Determine the value of x2 for 14 degrees of freedom and an area of .10 in the left tail of the
chi-square distribution curve. What is the value of chi-square? Round to three decimal places
3. Determine the value of x2 for 23 degrees of freedom and an area of .990 in the left tail of the
chi-square distribution curve. What is the value of chi-square? Round to three decimal places.
4. A population data set produced the following information.
N=460, ∑x=3920, ∑y=2650, ∑xy=26,570, ∑x2=48,530
Find the population regression line. Round to three decimal places. Use the format as an example when submitting your equation 456.123 + 789.123x
5. The following information is obtained from a sample data set.
n=12, ∑x=66, ∑y=588, ∑xy=2244, ∑x2=396
Find the estimated regression line Use this format as an example when submitting your equation 123 – 45x
For the following 2 questions please use 200 word answers.
6. Describe in your own words a test of independence and a test of homogeneity. Give one example of each. Explain how the expected frequencies for cells of a contingency table are calculated in a test of independence or homogeneity. How do you find the degrees of freedom for such tests? To make a test of independence or homogeneity, what should be the minimum expected frequency for each cell? What are the alternatives if this condition is not satisfied?
7. Explain the meaning of the words simple and linear as used in simple linear regression. Explain the meaning of independent and dependent variables for a regression model. Explain the difference between exact and nonexact relationships between two variables. Give one example of each. Explain the difference between linear and nonlinear relationships between two variables.
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