According to Kuratko (2009), today’s younger generation is referred to as Generation X because they feel crossed out of traditional opportunities. This generation of the twenty-first century may also be referred to as Generation E, because, according to Kuratko, they are becoming “the most entrepreneurial generation since the Industrial Revolution” (p. 32). One-third of new entrepreneurs are under the age of 30, and millions of individuals 35 years and younger are actively trying to start their own businesses.Intrepreneurs are entrepreneurs that exist inside organizations; they are also known as corporate entrepreneurs. Innovation will be the key to survival in the twenty-first century. This week, you will explore these concepts and apply your knowledge in a report.After reading and viewing this week’s required resources, address the following in a report:Aulet and Peters both focused on addressing innovation, entrepreneurship, and intrapreneurship. Peters focused on SMEs, technology, leadership, and the 5% of leading edge companies, while Aulet concentrated on IDEs. Categorize some of the risks and benefits for each (SMEs and IDEs).After reading and viewing this week’s required resources, address the following in a report: * Aulet and Peters both focused on addressing innovation, entrepreneurship, and intrapreneurship. Peters focused on SMEs, technology, leadership, and the 5% of leading edge companies, while Aulet concentrated on IDEs. Categorize some of the risks and benefits for each (SMEs and IDEs). * Elaborate on how companies can create a culture of innovation, according to Aulet, Peters, and as presented in the Execution Plan video. Is there a common denominator in terms of creating a culture of innovation? Perhaps more than one? Explain. * Refer to Aulet’s example of women in Africa to summarize how they have been empowered. In addition to Africa, identify three other emerging countries or continents that are becoming innovative. * According to Aulet, what should be government’s involvement in innovation? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? What advice does Aulet give to innovators about obtaining funding sources? * Upon reviewing the 2008 Trends Hot List, were there any surprises? Since the list was created in 2007, predict which trends, if any, will carry forward to 2017. What trends would you add to the list for 2017 and beyond? * Conclude your report with your impression of the MITSloanExecEd Webinar and the Execution Plan Video. Did you enjoy “attending” the webinar and watching the video? In your opinion, did the webinar and video enhance your learning experience?Length: 3-5 pages not including assignment cover sheet, title page, and references page. Begin your assignment with the title page, and then an introduction, where you will state the purpose of the paper. Use topic section headings for each of the bullets (centered and bolded). Remember to cite your sources within the text of your document. End your report with a concluding paragraph, followed by the references page. If you have in-textOUTLINE:Risks for SMEs1.Benefits for SMEs1. According to Peters technology, leadership, and 5% of leading edge companies2.Risks for IDEs1.Benefits for IDEs1. According to Aulet some benefits for IDEs are…* Creating a Culture of Innovation1. According to Aulet, to create a culture of innovation…2. According to Peters, to create a culture of innovation…3. As presented in the Execution Plan video, to create a culture of innovation….4. A common denominator in terms of creating a culture of innovation is… Perhaps more than one? Explain.5. Refer to Aulet’s example of women in Africa to summarize how they have been empowered.6. Three other emerging countries or continents that are becoming innovative are…7. According to Aulet, what should be government’s involvement in innovation?? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?? What advice does Aulet give to innovators about obtaining funding sources?* Upon reviewing the 2008 Trends Hot List, were there any surprises?1. Since the list was created in 2007, predict which trends, if any, will carry forward to 2017.2. What trends would you add to the list for 2017 and beyond?* Conclude your report with your impression of the MITSloanExecEd Webinar and the Execution Plan Video. Did you enjoy “attending” the webinar and watching the video?1. In your opinion, did the webinar and video enhance your learning experience?ReferencesAulet, B. (2013). Understanding and unlocking the potential of innovation, entrepreneurship, and intrapreneurship [Video File].http:// S., Smet, A. D., & Webb, A. (2014). Tom Peters on leading the 21st-centuryorganization. Mckinsey Quarterly, (3), 88-96.Kooser, A. (2007). 2008 Hot http:// execution plan [Video file]. (2008). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
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