Design a Backup and Recovery Strategy for the following scenario using the tools and techniques discussed in Chapter 5.(Wells, A Disaster recovery: Principles and practices textbook)
Your friends Dinesh and Vinnie have started a small graphics design firm in Covington KY. They know you are enrolled in the MSIS program at UC and want you to design a backup strategy for them. Presently the firm is small, with only the owners Dinesh and Vinnie working full time, and a part-time receptionist and bookkeeper, Judy. The owners each have Mac Pro for their design work, as well as Macbook Pros that they use when there are visiting clients or working from home. Dinesh also has a Dell XPS 8900 that he uses occasionally when the Windows environment is needed. Judy has an Imac 21″ machine that she uses for email, word processing, etc., and also an HP desktop for their Quickbooks software. (Their accountant is not familar with Apple devices, and insisted that the bookkeeping be done on a Windows machine).
Dinesh and Vinnie each generate several hundred megabytes of graphics each week that need to be preserved in the event of a disaster. Judy generates approximately 10 megabytes of documents per week, and the Quickbook files are approximately 500 megabytes in size.
The owners would like you to design a backup strategy that would provide secure storage of all their data, and a recovery plan that would allow them to get back up and running as soon as possible in the event of a disaster.
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