This week we learned more about what it takes to be an effective manager and the importance of how managers and employees throughout the organization interact. We learned about control systems, which impact these dynamics. We also learned about organizational structure and how a company’s structure is critical to its success. In our paper this week, we will analyze an entire company rather than a single manager as in the past two weeks. You are to incorporate your learning from the first three weeks as this is a comprehensive paper. Be sure to refer to the key relevant academic concepts from your assigned readings to support/defend your position. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
Research an organization of your choice. This can be one you currently work for or have worked for in the past. This can also be another organization such as a local organization whose leaders would be willing to be interviewed or an organization you research online. Compose a 3- to 5-page, APA-formatted paper addressing the following:
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