Unit 8: Interpreting and Using Assessment Results
Case study
Roberto is a 3-year-old boy in the childcare center where you work. Your center uses the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) to screen all children in your care. Roberto scored above the cutoff point in all areas on the ASQ-3 except for communication, where his score was far below the cutoff point, which indicates a need for further assessment. Please answer the following questions (please do not read other classmate responses until you have responded).
As early childhood professionals, we can always use additional assessment data to form a complete assessment on a child. Based on the scores on the ASQ-3, what would you recommend for further assessment and why? Please be sure to discuss the limitations of a screening instrument such as the ASQ-3 and appropriate uses of screening results.
Further assessment indicated that Roberto had a significant language delay, and qualified for language intervention from a speech pathologist through the public school system. How could you as the early childhood professional in the home childcare center link these assessment results to your instruction? Please give specific examples and be sure that these are based on developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) and scientifically based practice.
In this week’s discussion question, there is a case study of a 3-year-old boy named Roberto that is in childcare who needs to be evaluated. Wortham (2012) stated, “The purpose of evaluating infants and toddlers is generally to determine whether the child is developing normally or exhibits delay and needs assistance or intervention. The purposes of assessment are to benefit the child” (Wortham, 2012, p.33). The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) was used to screen Roberto. He scored above the cutoff point in all areas on the ASQ-3 except for communication; he was scored very low. Due to Roberto’s low score, he needs further assessment. I would recommend for Roberto to be immediately evaluated by specialists who specializes in language delays. He needs to have a physical and neurological examination and a hearing test because he could have selective hearing loss. Although, Roberto can have normal intelligence and have normal social and emotional development skills he can still have a significant language delay. It has been determined that Roberto does have a significant language delay and he is qualified for language intervention from a speech pathologist through the public school system. How could you as the early childhood professional in the home childcare center link these assessment results to your instruction? According to Wortham (2012), “Standards require teachers to be more intentional in how they assess young children. In their planning for teaching and assessment, they need to make the link between the learning experiences and the standards very clear. Standards will need to be integrated into the existing curriculum and assessments that are proven to be of high quality for young children” (Wortham, 2012, p. 47). For example, in Roberto’s case he will do best in a preschool setting that is experienced in teaching children with speech problems and have a speech therapist. In a preschool setting, he is more exposed to opportunities to interact with other children his age such as the playground, circle time and story time. According to DAP (developmentally appropriate practice), as an Early Childhood professional, it is expected that you acknowledge, encourage, model, demonstrate, give specific feedback, ask questions, be proactive, give directions, provide information and give assistance in helping Roberto and any child to be successful in their development.
Naeyc.org. (2009).10 Effective DAP Teaching Strategies. Retrieved on July 26, 2013 from http:// Wortham, S. (2012). Assessment in Early Childhood Education, Vitalsource for Kaplan University. Retrieved on July 26 , 2013 from Kaplan/Digital Book
Hi Everyone! Here are a couple of tips for success in this unit’s DB:
Here is the scenario:
Roberto is a 3-year-old boy in the childcare center where you work. Your center uses the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) to screen all children in your care. Roberto scored above the cutoff point in all areas on the ASQ-3 except for communication, where his score was far below the cutoff point, which indicates a need for further assessment.
Be sure that after reading the scenario, you answer each of the questions carefully. Here is a breakdown of the questions with some key words highlighted:
Based on the scores on the ASQ-3, what would you recommend for further assessment and why? The “And why” indicates that you need details and a full explanation.
Please be sure to discuss the limitations of a screening instrument such as the ASQ-3 and appropriate uses of screening results. Be sure that you attend to the word “discuss.” This means that you will need to provide information about the limitations in detail. Don’t forget the second part of the question – talk about appropriate uses of the screening results. This means – tell us what you should be expected to do with these results in the classroom.
Further assessment indicated that Roberto had a significant language delay, and qualified for language intervention from a speech pathologist through the public school system. How could you as the early childhood professional in the home childcare center link these assessment results to your instruction? Please give specific examples and be sure that these are based on developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) and scientifically based practice. These words tell us that you will talk about your classroom instruction related to the results you gain. Give examples – that word is plural, so you must share two or more examples. Explain how these examples reflect developmentally appropriate practice AND scientifically based practice.
Alesia, I am intrigued by your indication that you will “reconstruct” the ASQ-3. What does this reconstruction look like in your mind? I ask because standardized tests are generally required (for accuracy and validity) to be administered in a particular way that is like every other administration of the assessment. That is, the way we administer the assessment is standardized so that we avoid bias, introduction of intervening variables, etc. By reconstruction of the test, will you change the way it is administered, the questions to be considered, and the conditions under which it is conducted; or did “reconstruct” just refer to re-administering the assessment? How frequently can the assessment be re-administered and retain validity?
How can you, as the early childhood professional in the home childcare center link assessment results to instruction? Please give specific examples and be sure that the examples are based on developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) and scientifically based practice.
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