Discussion 1
IMC & Marcom
What is marcom? How have the functions within marketing communications become more integrated? What does the Forbes writer, Judy Begehr, say about how content will impact the IMC? Why is this important? Incorporate concepts and examples from this week’s lecture in your post.
Discussion 2
Where do the IMC communications tactics fit within the marketing management flow chart and why? Why is it necessary to create integration and consistency with current and potential customers? Incorporate concepts and examples from this week’s lecture in your post. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.
week 1 assignment
Concept of Branding
Assess how branding has increased in the last few decades. Think of a brand; analyze how the organization developed its brand equity. Assess the influence of branding on an organization’s IMC.
The paper
Ogden, J. R., & Ogden, D. T. (2014). Utilizing a strategic marketing approach to managing marketing communications. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
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