Unit VIII Research Paper Your research paper should utilize the following guidelines: Include an APA formatted title page. Include at least five pages in 12-point font using Times New Roman. Indent block quotes (quotations over 40 words in length) .5 inch with no quotation marks around the block quotes. There must be a title to your paper. Your paper should be about an intriguing concept or aspect you are interested in. You need to dissect something intriguing about your topic. Remember, the more focused you are, the more impactful/powerful your paper will be. At least four outside sources should be included in your paper with in-text citations. The sources cannot include Wikipedia or any unreliable Internet sources. Go to the Waldorf Online Library or a publicly library, and find a book about the subject or a peer-reviewed journal. Any other sources used must be approved by your professor. There should be a strong, solid thesis statement (the argument that ties your paper together). The thesis CANNOT be an obvious statement. There is no point in writing a paper if you are merely reiterating common facts. You need to be intriguing and insightful in your paper. There should be strong development of your thesis as well as strong and solid claims. You should conduct a careful and focused examination of your topic as well as maintain fluid transitions between paragraphs. Think of the questions: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Could? And Should? Answer them! Make your research paper as objective as possible. Eliminate pronouns such as I, me, or you as these will make you stray toward opinion. This is not a summary of your personal opinion on the topic. Instead, include a focused argument or illustration of your thesis. Also, do not back out of your claims by including phrases such as possibly, probably, I believe, or In my opinion. A strong conclusion should be present, touching base with the claims you have made and how you have proven your thesis. Make it powerful! Assert your claims, but always back them up with sources and evidence. Believe in yourself and what you have to say.
Have confidence in your paper. Be very detailed as well. The more focused and detailed your writing is, the stronger it is. Carefully present with your topic, and analyze the situation in detail. Back up your claims with evidence. Analyze that evidence. Immerse your reader in your topic and research. Your audience wants to hear all about it. Make him or her as excited as you are.
Reminder: There should be NO slang or jargon. Also, this is not a standard five-paragraph essay. You will definitely have more than five paragraphs. Make sure to PROOFREAD! If you are found to be taking text or ideas from another source without citing that source, you will not receive a passing grade. Plagiarism is cause for disciplinary action.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below. The final research paper is due in the end of Unit VIII.
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