For the next phase of your leadership exploration, describe the major factors that lead to the necessity for change and the impact change has on individuals. In a minimum of 3 pages, include the following:
Your submitted assignment should be a minimum of 3 pages and include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Be sure to cite your sources per APA formatting.
Module 04 Leadership Exploration Project – The Necessity for Change and the Impact on Individuals – 12 HEADINGS in this assignment Introduction Thesis statement Describe the major factors that lead to the necessity for change Impact change has on individuals Describe how individuals react differently to the change process. Why do you suppose these differences occur? What way would they affect the resulting changes? Discuss the role diversity plays into people’s response to change Discuss role as a leader in the change process Leader: Respect, value, and appreciate diverse perspectives Leader: Helping employees to overcome resistance to change Conclusion A minimum of 3 pages. Include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Be sure to cite your sources per APA formatting. Assignments without the above specific headings will be assessed a (– 6 points) penalty
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