The nature of an organization’s business and the environment the business operates in will guide management in ensuring that decisions are both legal and ethical. In this project, you will expand your ability to make ethically responsible decisions by applying an ethical decision-making model to resolve a business ethics case. Begin with Step 1: “Ethical Analysis.”
When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.
Step 1: Ethical Analysis
The ethical aspects of King’s situation seem complex, and you realize that you need a structured way to think through the various possibilities and their implications. You know that there are many different schools of ethical thought and a variety of frameworks or approaches for analyzing ethical problems, but you decide that the best approach to this particular situation is Badaracco’s Right vs. Right Framework.
Work through the Badaracco ethical analysis, considering the various options for action and the winners and losers for each option. What are your recommendations for the best ethical course of action?
When you’ve finished analyzing the ethical aspects of this case, continue to the next step, in which you’ll consider any legal issues that could affect your decisions.
Step 2: Legal Analysis
In addition to the ethical aspects of King’s situation, there may be legal implications that the human resources department needs to account for before moving forward with any plan of action. You realize that you need to review any relevant information about fraud that might affect what could or should be done about King, including employment at will.
Now that you’ve worked through possible legal implications and arrived at a recommended course of action for Friendly Digits’s HR department, it’s time to present your analyses, recommendations, and action plan in a memo to Mindy Wu, the director of HR.
Step 3: Write Your Memo
First, review how to write a memo. Once you have a sense of memos in general, use your outline and research notes to prepare your memo. Be sure to meet the following requirements:
Step 4: Submit Your Memo
Submit your memo to the Embellished Résumé folder by the end of Week 5.
Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work.
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