Please see this announcement for the proper way to cite your internet references – How to Cite Your Internet References
Assignments in this class are designed to have you explore some personal connection you have with life science. In the last part of the class, Dr E talked about what research is and showed an example of his research with elk. For the third writing assignment, please find an example of life science research from your locality. It can be any type of life science subject including humans, natural resources, or whatever else you can come up with. Be creative, it does not have to be about wildlife! For example, I am interested in the air quality in the Uintah Basin. Because of the oil and gas industry here, the air quality can be the worst in the USA at times. I Googled – air quality and Uintah Basin – and came up with about 34,000 web site hits. I went through these until I found a good example of the research being done. If you are not sure about your topic, get in touch with me and I will review your selection. Please DO NOT use my example of air quality in the Uintah Basin.
This essay must be 1 page in length, typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Spelling and grammar will be taken into account for grading. Write your paper in a word processing program and then cut-and-paste the paper into the submission window. The formatting will disappear when you cut and paste into the assignment window, that is OK. If you are unsure of what plagiarism is, you should watch this Plagiarism Refresher.
You must use at least 1 web site on the internet as references for your paper. Use this site to help you support your topic. Please be sure to include your web address citations in the body of your paper where you use the information. YOU MAY NOT USE ANY FORM OF WIKIPEDIA AS REFERENCES IN THIS CLASS! USE OF WIKIPEDIA AS A REFERENCE WILL EARN YOU A GRADE OF ZERO FOR THE ASSIGNMENT!
Writing Assignment #3
Writing Assignment #3
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriateness of topic chosen and described. Did you discuss your topic in an intelligent, well reasoned manner?
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDid you find and use an internet reference that supported your paper?
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDid you follow instructions for the length and format for the paper? Did you follow Dr E’s directions for the correct way to cite your internet references?
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWas the subject of your paper from your locality, the place where you live?
10.0 pts
Total Points: 40.0
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