In this assignment, you will explore your thoughts on the inverted pyramid style and attempt to apply this writing method to the sample below.
Rewrite the facts below to an inverted pyramid style. Feel free to throw out any text you think is not necessary to the story.
An accident occurred. It happened yesterday. Today is Tuesday. The accident was a car accident. It happened in Murfreesboro where Main Street and Broad Street intersect. One person was killed. The person was John Frazier. He was 20 years old and lived in Murfreesboro at 212 Moore Court. He was driving a blue 1998 Ford Mustang. He was driving northwest on Broad Street at about 5 p.m. He lost control of the car. It was raining, and the road was slick. He was also driving about 20 mph over the speed limit. He was the only one in the car. The car smashed into a utility pole along Broad Street. The impact crushed the whole front of the car. Frazier was thrown through the car’s windshield. He landed on the pavement some 20 feet away. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt. He was killed instantly.
Read the sample text and make sure you understand all the facts.
Rewrite the sample text using the inverted pyramid style.
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