Overview: Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. Case studies are meant to connect real-world scenarios with theoretical teachings. Students are expected to test assumptions and find creative ways to consider all the facets contributing to analysis of the case.
Prompt: To begin,read this case study: Kleiner-Perkins and Genentech (2012) When Venture Capital Met Science. [provided as attachment case study-1]
Once you have reviewed the case study and researched the main points, write a paper that addresses the following:
· Summarize the scenario in which you identify the key points, the stakeholders, setting, and situation.
· Discuss the specific issue and secondary issues, and explain how they relate. Explain your reasoning and support your analysis with research from journal articles.
· Describe a solution to address the issues, explaining who should be involved in the solution, and identifying strengths and weaknesses of the solution. Be sure to analyze your own assumptions, and others’ assumptions, when considering the strengths and weaknesses of the solution.
· Describe at least two alternative solutions to the issues, and analyze their pros and cons. Consider why the solutions would or would not be effective, and the assumptions that are made in reference to the solutions.
· Explain how to evaluate the effectiveness of the main proposed solution, once implemented, and discuss the implications of the solution.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must include a title page, 4 pages of writing, and a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 point font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations. You will submit your case study report as an attachment to the assignment box.
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