I need the Thesis Statement by tonight at midnight, but all other work isn’t due until next Monday.
Research Project – Final Research Paper Instructions
As the final assignment for this course, you will prepare a Final Research Paper. Throughout the course, you have written a Thesis Statement and an Annotated Outline. The Final Research Paper will combine and expand upon those two assignments.
The Final Research Paper must include the following elements:
1. Title Page;
2. Abstract;
3. Body (including an Introduction, Body Paragraphs/Argument Section, and Conclusion); and
4. Reference Page
All components of the Final Research Paper must be written using current APA formatting and must be on the same criminal justice topic that you selected for your Thesis Statement and Annotated Outline.
The Final Research Paper must develop an argument that is highlighted in the thesis statement and supported with solid academic research and analysis. Each facet of the thesis statement must be addressed and analyzed throughout the paper.
The title page must use proper formatting as set by the APA style guide. The abstract must be between 150–250 words and provide a clear summary of the paper.
The body of the Final Research Paper must be comprised of 4–6 pages of content. The Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page are not included in the page count. The introduction must include background information on the criminal justice topic, a well-written thesis statement, and a preview of points. The body must thoroughly support the assertions made in the thesis statement with the use of analysis and comprehensively developed subpoints and academic research. Each paragraph must address one issue and directly relate it to the thesis. The body must also be well-organized and use properly formatted headings. Information must clearly relate to the main topic. The conclusion must summarize the main headings of the paper.
The Reference Page must include at least 5 scholarly sources published within the last five years. The sources must be cited both in the body of the paper as well as in the Reference Page. Biblical references do not count toward the citation requirement.
Before submitting your Final Research Paper, review the Research Project – Final Research Paper Grading Rubric to verify that all components of the assignment have been completed. Save your work as a Microsoft Word document and submit it to Blackboard.
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