Final Project
For your Final Project, you may write a paper or create a PowerPoint presentation.
To complete this project
Choose one of the following topics:
For example, a student writing a paper about the topic African Americans might choose the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Power Movement as two of their events. In that case, the paper would provide a description of the two movements. It would explain what each one revealed about the role of African Americans in broader American society in, respectively, the 1920s and the late 1960s, explain how and why the roles of African Americans in the 1920s differed from their roles in the late 1960s, and explain how events in the 1920s may have contributed to developments in the later decade.
Writing the Final ProjectThe Final Project
If you choose to create a PowerPoint presentation: You should use visual elements to contribute to your explanation of the topic. PowerPoint presentations should avoid plagiarism and have proper APA citations for all source material either in the note section at the bottom of each slide, or on the last slide of the show indicating sources for each slide. The final slide must be a correctly formatted reference list containing all of your sources. You may use non-scholarly sources for your images, but not for the text of the presentation. Make sure to pay attention to color and style. You will need to save your PowerPoint presentation as a PDF before you submit it to Waypoint. Use the Converting a PowerPoint to PDF tutorial
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