500 word minimum discussion .
you-tube videos this week that speaks to the health of our generation and the desperate need for primary prevention and public health intervention. It still puzzles me that every year we seem to have this conversation as to our nation’s health but very little gets done on the federal and local level. Nevertheless, I usually begin our discussions series in this course by asking two important questions in hopes of eliciting your perspectives and understanding of what public health is and what it means to you.In 1995, President Bill Clinton designated the first full week in April [National Public Health Week] to focus on prevention and interventions to improve the nation’s health. This is a goal that has continued steadily long after his presidency. Former President Clinton has long recognized that public health was more than a science of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention. He stressed that as a nation we have to become empowered and engaged to bear witness to these health issues with deep compassion no matter what. This is such an important issue now more than ever because what if in just one generation, America’s health system ranking improves from 37th to first? If we each commit to promoting good health in our own homes and communities, the effort of solving some of these problems will be seen and felt nationwide.Watch these three videos to learn more about your role in public health and discuss clearly what does it mean to YOU:Note: Right click videos to open in a new window. Video 1. Healthiest Nation in One Generation
http:// 2. This is Public Health
http:// 3. What is Public Health to YOU?
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