The Specifics
· Must be 6-8 pages, double spaced
· Times New Roman, 12 pt font
· Hook and Title
· Note the Essay Option
· Attach visual, if applicable
· Sources: Must include at least FIVE acceptable sources with proper in-text citation and a Works Cited page (APA or MLA)
The Requirements
Please follow this template:
· One to two pages
· List your option
· Will you be using an existing essay or starting fresh with a new topic?
· Working Thesis Statement
· Draft outline/organization – give me a general, brief sense of where you envision this paper heading
· Sources – list out the sources you’ve already identified and a general word on the types of sources you’re hoping to access very soon
o My hope is to find another source that explains the type of philosophical reasons that exist for people to not get vaccinated
o I want to find something that shows the inaccuracies of the internet
o I want to hopefully find a quote from a doctor that is annoyed with people using the internet to diagnose themselves
· Questions for me, challenges you’re running into, concerns, etc. These will be discussed during your individual mid-term conference with me.
Annotated Bibliography
You’ll need at least five sources for this paper. In this assignment, you’ll be required to list out all your sources, provide a summary, and tell me how you’re planning on applying it to your argument/paper. We will discuss this in greater detail in the coming weeks.
Oral Presentation
Each student will share their final project in a 10 minute presentation. You’re encouraged to utilize visuals, media, Prezi/PPT. Provide a high-level overview of your project; make it engaging and interesting.
Final Paper
The whole shebang. This is where it all comes together in one nice, pretty, well-researched and organized paper.
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