database multiple questions chapter 15,16

A ____________ is a disconnected, memory-resident representation of the database which contains tables, columns, rows, relationships, and constraints.

_______ is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that runs on top of Web browser software.

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____________ is rapidly becoming the data exchange standard for e-commerce applications; it is important because it provides the semantics that facilitate the sharing, exchange, and manipulation of structured documents over organizational boundaries.

________ the objects that manage the connection with a data source and provide data to the consumers.

An _____________ document is an advanced data definition language that is used to describe the structure (elements, data types, relationship types, ranges, and default values) of XML data documents.

Which of the following is NOT a common feature of a web application server?

To define a ______________ you must create a data source name (DSN) for the data source.

A __________ is an external application that is automatically invoked by the browser when needed.

Which of the following is NOT a database connectivity option?

Which of the following is a type of cloud computing implementation?

___________________ refers to the mechanisms through which application programs interact and communicate with data repositories.

A _________ is a series of instructions executed in interpreter mode; it is a plain text file that is not compiled like COBOL, C++, or Java.

Microsoft developed _________to answer the need for non-relational data access and to simplify data connectivity.

_______ was the first piece of Microsoft’s strategy to provide a unified object-oriented framework for the development of next-generation applications.

Which of the following is a well-defined web server interface used frequently today?

______________is “a computing model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computer resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”

_____________ is a file that describes XML elements—it provides the composition of the database’s logical model, and defines the syntax rules or valid tags for each type of XML document.

Which of the following is/are the basic components of the ODBC architecture?

Once the DataSet is populated, it is completely independent of the data source – that’s why it’s called “_________”.

Which of the following is NOT one of the most prevalent characteristics of cloud computing services?

Which of the following is considered an advantage of SQL data services?

Which of the following has the potential to turn basic IT services into “commodity” services such as electricity, gas, and water, and to enable a revolution that could change not only the way that companies do business, but the IT business itself?

Which of the following is a type of cloud service that offers turnkey applications that run in the cloud?

Which of the following is NOT considered a main advantage of cloud computing services?

Which of the following is required to create an ODBC data source name?

__________________ is an application programming interface that allows a Java program to interact with a wide range of data sources (relational databases, tabular data sources, spreadsheets, and text files).

___________ is a meta-language used to represent and manipulate data elements.

____________________ are used to extend the functionality of the web server to provide more services and to provide support for access to external databases, fax services, telephony services, directory services, etc.

______ provides an optimized interface that exposed the functionality of the Jet data engine (on which MS Access database if based on) to programmers.

The OLE-DB model is based on which of the two types of objects?

Which of the following is NOT considered a disadvantage of cloud computing services?

A ______________ is a middleware application that expands the functionality of servers by linking them to a wide range of services such as databases, directory systems, and search engines.

_______________is “a computing model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computer resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”

____ allows any Windows application to access relational data sources using SQL via a standard application programming interface (API).

The web is a(n) ________________ in that at any given time, a web server does not know the status of any of the clients communicating with it.

To provide such support for scripting languages, especially the ones used for web development, such as Active Server Pages (ASP) and ActiveX, Microsoft developed a new object framework called _______________.

_______________ refers to Internet-based data management services that provide access to hosted relational data management using standard protocols and common programming interfaces.

_______________ scripts contain the code that is required to connect, query, and update a database from a Web front end.

______ uses the lower-level DAO and ODBC for direct access to databases.


Given the following XML document that contains an internal DTD. Complete the DTD to accurately describe the XML.

_____ are raw facts of interest to an end user. Examples include a person’s date of birth, an employee name, the number of pencils in stock, etc.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a CASE tool?

____________ allows for the translation of the company’s strategic goals into the data and applications that will help the company achieve those goals.

_________ refers to activities and measures that ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an information system and its main asset, data.

____________ refers to activities and measures that ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an information system and its main asset, data.

Which of the following is an example of data dictionary usage using SQL statements?

Which of the following is NOT a desired managerial characteristic or skill for a DBA?

Which of the following is NOT a source of dirty data?

The DBA works with application programmers to ensure the quality and integrity of database design and transactions by ensuring that transactions are:

A(n) ________________ automatically records a brief description of database operations performed by all users.

Which of the following is NOT a desired technical characteristic or skill for a DBA?

Which of the following is NOT an area that a DBA must define, communicate and enforce procedures for?

Which of the following is NOT an activity of characteristic of a DBA?

Which of the following DBA activities are used to support end users?

Which of the following is considered the two most important assets of any organization?

Some of the common features of a data dictionary include:

The technical aspects of the DBA’s job are rooted in which of the following areas of operation?

The backup and recovery measures must include which of the following?

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the DBA’s responsibilities?

Which of the following is NOT a role the DBMS facilitates?

_________ is a comprehensive approach to ensuring the accuracy, validity, and timeliness of the data.

Which of the following is NOT an activity of characteristic of a DA?

Which of the following must happen when a corrupting security breach occurs?

______________ is data that contains inaccuracies or inconsistencies (i.e. data that lacks integrity) and may result from a lack of enforcement of integrity constraints, typographical errors, the use of synonyms and homonyms across systems, the use of nonstandard abbreviations, or differences in the decomposition of composite attributes.

A _______________ is a named collection of database access privileges that authorize a user to connect to the database and use its system resources.

A _____________ tool provides an automated framework for the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and is classified according to the extent of support it provides for the SDLC.

As a DBA, what data dimensions would you describe to top-level managers to obtain their support for endorsing the data administration function?

Which of the following special considerations must you take into account when introducing a DBMS into an organization?

Database performance will naturally __________ as the database grows and more users access it.

________are general statements of direction or action that communicate and support DBA goals. Examples include: all users must have passwords or passwords must be changed every six months.

Which of the following cloud related features should be included on a DBA’s checklist of desired DBMS features?

Which of the following statements best explains the role of databases in organizations?

A database _________ is a logical section of the database that belongs to a given user and is identified by the username.

The ________________ is responsible for controlling the overall corporate data resources, both computerized and manual.

Which of the following should NOT be included on a DBA’s checklist of desired DBMS features?

A ________________ is a collection of standards, policies, and procedures created to guarantee the security of a system and ensure auditing and compliance.

A _______________ physically stores the database’s data and is associated with only one tablespace but can reside in a different directory on the hard disk or on multiple hard disks.

________are written instructions that describe a series of steps to be followed during the performance of a given activity. They must be developed within existing working conditions, and they must support and enhance the working environment.

Which of the following is a reason why data quality is important?

Which of the following is NOT a level of data confidentiality?

Which parts of the system does the evaluation process cover?

A _____________ is a DBMS component that stores the definition of data characteristics and relationships.

Which of the following is a desired characteristic or skill for a DBA?

_______describe the minimum requirements of a given DBA activity; they are more detailed and specific than policies and are rules that evaluate the quality of the activity. Examples include: a password must have a minimum of 5 characters and a password must have a maximum of 12 characters.

A _______________ is a logical storage space that is used primarily to group related data logically.

Cloud services provide which of the following?

DBMS operations can be divided into which of the following four main areas?

A _______________ is a separate location in memory that is reserved to run your database.

Security vulnerabilities can fall under which of the following categories?

___________ is processed data or the product of applying some analytical process to data.

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of the DBMS approach over the file-system approach?

__________ deals with the rights of people and organizations to determine who accesses the data and when, where, and how the data are to be used.

___________________ defines procedures to protect and guarantee database security and integrity and includes user access management, view definition, DBMS access control, and DBMS usage monitoring.

The DBA has a(n) ___________ role in installing and maintain the BMS that is in a cloud-based environment.

___________ means protecting the data against accidental or intentional use by unauthorized users.

________ within the data security framework is concerned with keeping data consistent and free of errors or anomalies.

dentify each of the following as either “A – data security” risks or “B – database security” risks.

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