I have gotten behind and need some assistance on my Individual Project. This have to be done by Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 by 9PM. Looking for A+++paper and NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE. The company I choose was Whole Foods for the assignment. There should at least 8 refernces and a minmium of 10 pages not including the cover page and reference page. Of course, its APA format.
Your analysis should include an in-depth review of the Company’s most recent SEC Form-10k Annual Report and Form DEF-14A Proxy Statement. These SEC filings can be found at the SEC Edgar Database located at the URL http:// . Pay particular attention to the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) sections of the SEC Form 10-K and the DEF-14A Proxy statement. Direct competitors are identified in the “Comparator Group” section of the DEF-14A Proxy Statement. ) These SEC filings also contain information relative to external and industry analysis that will be helpful in your assessment of the Company’s strategy and competitive position.
A thorough analysis requires evaluation of various external stakeholders:
Internal stakeholders that should be considered in the analysis include:
A comprehensive SWOT analysis should be performed relative to the Company’s ability to improve its competitive advantage.
The comprehensive analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative elements, leveraging information available in SEC Filings, business databases, and peer-reviewed articles.
Your work should demonstrate your ability to:
You will prepare a report presenting the findings of your comprehensive analysis examining the Company’s corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage. The written report will have a body length of 10-12 pages excluding title, abstract, references and appendices. Quotation limits should be Not more than 10% of the body of the paper can be quotations, all of which must be properly attributed in APA format.
Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from someone ASAP
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