The Course Paper will be a thorough review and discussion of a disorder which you chose from the list below when completing your Week 3 Paper Preparation assignment. It is important to note that this is not simply a summary review paper. You will be using the required scholarly literature to support a discussion of specific areas, as outlined below, within the topic that you chose. The paper will consist of a literature review and discussion of the current treatments for your selected topic. The body of the paper will be 8 – 10 pages in length, not including the title, abstract and reference pages and the annotated bibliography. At least 6 scholarly sources should be used.The paper’s focus will be a selected disorder from the list below.This topic must be the same as the one you selected for your Paper Preparation assignment.Prader-Willi SyndromeNarcolepsyKorsakoff’s SyndromeSchizophreniaHuntington’s DiseaseParkinson’s DiseaseBalint’s SyndromeTurner’s SyndromeKlinefelter’s SyndromeTourette’s Syndrome
The Week 7 Course Paper will include the following:A title page in APA format
The following paper body required subheadings and content.History: A brief tracing of the history of our identification and knowledge of the disorder (a paragraph or two).Epigenetic Causes: A detailed explanation of the epigenetic (genetic and environmental) etiology (cause) of the chosen topic (one to two pages).Symptoms and treatments: A detailed discussion of the symptoms and treatments of the chosen disorder (two to four pages).Evaluation: A critical evaluation and summation of three current (no older than five years) research articles on the chosen topic (one to two pages).Synthesis: A brief synthesis and conclusion of the material presented (one page).
Assignment should include:
Topic Sentence
Began with a strong opening sentence
Ended introduction with a clear topic/thesis sentence
Covered the topic
Developed the topic sentence statement
Evaluated the content
Stayed on topic
Reviewed the number of scholarly journal/articles/materials given in the instructions
APA Format
Title Page
Page Number
Followed the format given in the instructions for this assignment
Met the Word Count/Page Number Requirement
Gave a clear conclusion
Reviewed and wrapped up the material
Possible Points Total: 190
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