Assignment 1
Prior to beginning your post, read the required materials and review the handouts, Plot, Theme, and Conflict and List of Literary Techniques. In addition, read Chapters 4 through 7 of Journey into Literature and choose a story from the textbook.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. The minimum word count does not include references.In this discussion you will
Assignment 2
In the stories you have read in Chapters 4 through 7, you have been introduced to several kinds of characters. Select another story from your textbook that is different than the one you analyzed in the “Literary Techniques and Their Connection to Conflict in Literature” discussion and identify and consider a character you sympathize with. Reflect on why you identify with them and how that character is constructed by the author.
Your post should be at least 250 words in length. The minimum word count does not include references.
As you write your post, answer the following questions:
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