A number of states and city government have passed criminal laws to regulate gang behavior. In some places, it’s a crime to participate in a gang. Some statutes and ordinances have stiffened the penalties for crimes committed by gang members. Others make it a crime to encourage minors to participate in gangs. Some have applied organized crime statues to gangs. A few have even punished parents for their children’s gang activities. Cities have also passed ordinances banning gang members from certain public places, particularly city parks.
A small juvenile gang composed of no more than 20 members has been active in the community recently. Their members have been linked to drug sales, assaults, thefts and graffiti. The gang is multi-racial and appears to be led by a slightly older person, who is about 20 years of age. As a gang suppression officer with your local police department, what approach would you take to reduce or eliminate these gang problems?
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you create an ordinance to be presented to City Council for adoption following these instructions:
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
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