1. The main characters names in “The Shape of Things” are Adam and Evelyn, suggesting the play is a retelling of the original creation myth. Compare the original “Adam and Eve” and characters in the Judea-Christian creation account to Adam and Evelyn. How is The Shape of Things similar or different from the traditional Judea-Xian account? (Keep in mind the main difference being art and artistic versus theistic creation).
2. The “garden” is the museum, and roped off sculpture with the fig leaf is, like the tree of good and evil, what you’re not supposed to touch. Why does the author present the museum as a creation space? How is the sculpture like the tree of good and evil? What happens when they cross the line and touch (or photograph) it?
3. Compare Evelyn and Pygmalion as creators. How does their gender effect their position in history and creation? How do both their creations critique the culture in which they exist? Describe the “changes” to society that Evelyn and Pygmalion aspire to in their art.
4. How much are the creators (Evelyn and Pygmalion) in control of creation and their art work? Where does their control break down? What is the difference between creator and creature; or is the creature reducible to its creator?
5. When does Adam assert his own mind, (if at all) or veer towards independence by not relying on the tools to achieve superficial beauty that Evelyn imparts?
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